What’s Your Story? Mary Frisby
Mary is 76 years old and lives in The Plains. “I like all my staff and I like everybody in my house” they’re “nice people” according Mary. Mary is also a member of the Havar Board that oversees the non-profit agency. Mary is successfully RETIRED (2009- 30 years!) from her earned income efforts at the ATCO Pen Dept. In her retired life, she likes to take advantage of opportunities to socialize with people at Building Bridges Adult Center and at the Athens Senior Center. During the fall she volunteered packing food pantry boxes at the FoodBank in Logan and was able to give her co-volunteers tips on doing it more efficiently.
Mary enjoys celebrating her birthday each year; she likes to have chocolate cake with candles and getting presents. She enjoys having a cup of coffee a couple times during the day and people watching in her rocker on the porch at home when the weather allows. She also enjoys going to church on Sundays when she’s up to it. She looks forward to taking an overnight trip for shopping each year and staying in a motel. The thing Mary doesn’t like the most is the snow. “I don’t like the snow, I like rain” she explains.