MUI Department

 (740) 447-0710

The purpose of ACBDD’s Major Unusual Incident (MUI) Division is to help individuals with intellectual / developmental disabilities who have been victims of abuse or neglect. The division also helps protect individuals from future victimization.

The ACBDD MUI Coordinator receives all reports of abuse and neglect involving individuals in Athens County, determines the severity of the situation, and oversees the investigation (if deemed warranted). In addition to addressing specific cases, the MUI Coordinator analyzes data to look for potential trends to address.

Concerns or knowledge of abuse, neglect, or theft/exploitation can be reported by anyone, including individuals, ACBDD staff, providers, and the public. Staff are required to report these incidents immediately, or no later than four hours after becoming aware of the incident.

The materials provided below offer additional details about what constitutes a major or unusual incident, how to file a report, and other useful information.

If you have questions about this division or would like to request a training, please contact MUI Coordinator Angela Carter at (740) 541-9590 or


UI/MUI Reporting Requirements for DD Professionals

MUI/UI and Rights Training for Providers

UI Training

Rights Code Training ACBDD

Say NO to Abuse

ACBDD MUI Brochure

Bill of Rights ER


Fillable Incident Report form

Law Enforcement form

Unapproved Behavioral Support form

Unscheduled Hospitalization form

DODD Health and Safety:

DODD Health and Safety