This Month’s Spotlight – PersonnelPlus
PersonnelPlus Business and Advocacy and Advisory Council will be holding its Employer/Employee Recognition on Thursday, October 18, 2012 at the Athens Recreation Center at 5:30 p.m. This special gala recognizes workers with disabilities that have been trained and/or employed through PersonnelPlus Employment Services. In addition, Athens area businesses will be recognized for employing workers with disabilities and partnering with PersonnelPlus Employment Services.
The event usually hosts approximately 300 guests for a festive fall dinner, guest speaker, awards and a few fun surprises. Transitioning from school to work will also be a featured highlight, right in line with the announcement of Governor Kasich’s new Employment Initiative that began earlier this year.
For more information about the event or how to obtain tickets, please contact Karen at the PersonnelPlus office at 592-3416.