Featured Program: Service and Support Administration


The SSA office held their 4th annual Provider Recognition Banquet on Nov. 8. This year in addition to recognizing the residential providers we also recognized the day service providers in our area. We gave out forty-two awards this year. The MVP, Most Valiant Provider, went to Jacqueline Crites, Independent Provider. The Golden Dart Award went to Cindy Radcliff, Radcliff Health Care Services. Rookie of the Year went to Amanda Gilbraith who is an Independent Provider and works for BCS. We also gave out several team award for groups of direct care staff that work well as a team for the individuals served. One award very dear to the SSA department was the Forever Award, Team Award (Havar), which went to a group of people that worked with an individual for many years and took care of them with dignity in their home until they passed. The grand prize of a free night stay at the Holiday Inn Express was won by Christine Kristanich from Caregiver Homes. There were several providers, individuals, and county board employees in attendance and a good time was had by all! Thanks to all providers and thanks to staff for all their hard work!