State Announces Plans to Eliminate Independent Providers

The executive budget proposed by Gov. Kasich contains provisions that would effectively eliminate Medicaid-funded independent providers by 2018.

This news has spread throughout Ohio’s DD system, especially among parents and families who currently rely upon independent providers to ensure their loved ones’ health and safety.

Understandably, many individuals, parents and family members have expressed strong opinions after learning of the proposal.


If you have strong feelings on this issue, it is recommended that you send your feedback to the Ohio Association of County Boards of DD (OACB).

All input will be considered and the OACB will use that input to develop a position statement on this issue and to advocate in the best interests of individuals and their families and guardians.

OACB may use anonymous excerpts and statistical data gathered through this feedback tool in their testimony on the state budget (e.g., “X of Y respondents to a recent survey support/oppose the decision,” or “one respondent said the following about the proposal…”).


The OACB feedback form can be accessed using the link below:




We hope this tool is useful for those with strong opinions as we collectively continue to advocate for individuals, parents, and families on this important issue.