What’s Your Story? Holly Kasler

What's your story

Holly is a local resident who has her own house and is very independent. She enjoys getting to visit with family and especially her dog Dolce who is a miniature Pinscher, chihuahua mix. During the week she enjoys dinners with her friend Jessica, making crafts, taking trips to the movies, and going to The Work Station to continually be bettering herself.
Holly is long-time employee at the Ohio University Radio-Television Communications building. When asked about her work she fondly remembers the day she got hired; July 22nd, 2002. Prior to working with PersonnelPlus to help find her work, Holly had no luck finding a job. Holly said, “If it wasn’t for PersonnelPlus I wouldn’t be where I am today.”
At work Holly’s favorite thing is the people, they love her there! When Holly first gets to work she makes her rounds to say hello to her co-workers prior to starting in on her tasks. While working she does everything from large mailings, making packets, getting co-workers to sign cards for others, shredding documents, and the list goes on. Holly takes pride in her work and likes to do things right the first time. Holly is truly a joy to be around and we continue to be proud of all her accomplishments.
