Featured Program – Beacon School
Hello from the Beacon students and staff! We are pleased to be sharing our spring activities with you. This Spring, many of our classes will be enjoying nature walks on the bike path to increase their physical activity. The Early Intervention Specialists are continuing their project to get certification to P.L.A.Y. (Play and Language for Autistic Youngsters Project). The Preschool students have been busy learning about the butterfly life cycle while they are feeding and watching their butterflies grow. They are looking forward to several interesting and fun Spring fieldtrips. The Primary I students are having a fun year working hard on functional academics and enjoying music therapy class, Creative Expressions learning activities, and Dance Class. Primary II students have been busy learning about a good bug-the praying mantis! They are observing its life cycle while they are feeding and watching their praying mantis grow. In April, the Primary I and Primary 2 classrooms were invited by their VSA Ohio Dance Instructor to attend Ohio University’s Spring Dance Concert at The Shirley Wimmer Dance Theater. All the students and staff enjoyed the experience of attending the wonderful performance. The Intermediate I students have enjoyed weekly classroom learning themes including dinosaurs, oceans life, and outerspace. The Intermediate II students are planning their annual picnic outing to Strouds Run and will be tie-dying their shirts for the Awards Ceremony. The Young Adult Class has been busy in the greenhouse, planting and selling different vegetables and flowers to our community friends. On Friday, April 26th, the Beacon student athletes were delighted to compete in the Area 8 Special Olympics Track and Field Meet held at the Alexander School fields. The weather was great and a good time was had by all!
Monday, May 6th is Teacher Appreciation Week and we will be celebrating all our great Teachers, Teacher Assistants, Student Teachers, Therapists and Educational Aides. Wednesday, May 29th will be Preschool Graduation and Thursday, May 30th will be the School Age Graduation and Awards Ceremony. As we are nearing the end of the school year, I would like to thank the students and staff for another great year. Dust off those bells, drums, and horns and get ready to celebrate; the last day of school will be here soon!