DD Awareness Fest – March 19th

Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month is once again coming up in March, and we hope you will help us celebrate by either attending or participating in the year’s DD Awareness Festival (scheduled for March 19th 2019, at the Athens Community Center).
If you are part of a community organization interested in hosting an interactive and informational table, we welcome you to do so. Given the positive feedback we received from last year’s format, we have decided to do the same format again this year. This means you will have more space for your booth. We encourage you to create interactive exhibits to educate the community about the important work that you do. Please contact Autumn Brown – abrown@athenscbdd.org or (740) 541-9600 – to reserve your spot or for brainstorming ways to make your booth interactive. The deadline to reserve a spot is Tuesday, March 12, 2019.