ATCO Transition Update

ATCO Transition Update From Autumn Brown

The 3rd and final Open Forum on May 3rd was completed. We had a lot less in attendance than the first two, but families attended and seemed engaged in the process.  We will be taking a break for the summer and we will schedule a few more open forums in the fall to share updates and new information.

Our Transition Committee is continuing to meet bi-weekly and working on prioritized needs. There are three subcommittees that focus on ATCO, Transportation, and Passion Works. Current works include GPS mapping transportation needs, developing a Transition Portfolio to guide the process, and we also welcomed Glenda Murray a self-advocate and peer advocate to our team!

Attached is the Transition Portfolio sample. Dan Schoonover is also a self-advocate on our committee and he assisted us with a sample document. This is the cover page and the Transition Exploration Page. Special Thanks to Dan Schoonover for letting us make a sample portfolio using his name,  the information in the template is not about Dan, it is simply there as an example to share.

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It is meant to be a person-centered structure that is adaptable to each individual’s wants and needs. This page was developed for documenting and tracking their opportunities, skill building, goals, and outcomes.


The following pages are additional templates that can be adapted to teach skills and develop outcomes as needed.

Portfolio Portfolio 2

This document is intended to empower individuals in taking an active role in learning, participating, and developing their own plans for the future.