What’s New In Nursing
The County Board serves as a clinical and community experience site for physicians in training. Medical students learn valuable information on caring for individuals with disabilities. The individuals served by the County Board have the opportunity to educate the medical students from Ohio University on their special needs. Brian McCulloch is an excellent educator.
Dr. Gaskell with the Athens County Health Department has agreed to support our AED program and will provide us with a letter of recommend-ation. The nursing department would like to express our appreciation to Dr. Gaskell as this is mandated in order to maintain our AED’s.
On September 22, 2011, the infectious control nurse from O’Bleness Hospital provided County Board employees with an in-service on MRSA. This in-service was one continuing education unit to maintain regulations with the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities.
Laurie Palmer was hired as a part-time Adult Service Aide, working from 11:00 to 2:00 p.m.
To Your Health:
Loving myself heals my life
I nourish my mind body and soul.