Title IX
Pursuant to and in accordance with Title IX and its regulations, the ACBDD does not discriminate on the basis of sex in its educational programs or activities. The requirement not to discriminate in its educational program or activity extends to admission/enrollment/placement and employment. The ACBDD’s Title IX Coordinators are:
Gwen Brooks, Director of Human Resources
801 W Union Street, Athens, OH 45701
740-541-8135 | gbrooks@athenscbdd.org
Scott Zielinski, Medicaid Services Manager
8 Harper Street, The Plains, OH 45780
740-541-8473 | szielinski@athenscbdd.org
Title IX: Introduction to the new regulations: (1 hour 11 minutes)
New Title IX Regulations: New Protections Against Sexual Assault (16:47)
Conducting and Adjudicating Title IX Hearings: An OCR Training Webinar (18:42) (Decision maker- determining role and relevance)
Due Process Protections under the new Title IX regulations (16:48)