Employment First
The Employment First policy is established in accordance with Ohio Executive Order 2012-05K, which states in part:
“Community employment shall be the priority and the preferred outcome for working-age Ohioans with disabilities.”
Here at the ACBDD, we believe meaningful work has significant and important benefits to all working-age individuals, including persons with developmental disabilities. Employment clearly benefits individuals in terms of income and economic independence. In addition, given that employment is one of the primary vehicles for community participation in our society, increased employment has also led to greater opportunities for community integration and inclusion. This helps individuals build relationships and friendships, and creates a sense of self-worth. It has also benefited society, in terms of creating greater understanding of the wide range of capabilities of individuals with developmental disabilities as co-workers, fellow community members, and peers.
The ACBDD further believes all people, including those with developmental disabilities, have the right to the opportunity for competitive employment.
In order to achieve meaningful and competitive employment, it shall be the policy of the ACBDD that employment opportunities in fully-integrated work settings shall be the first and priority option explored in the service planning for working age persons with developmental disabilities enrolled in ACBDD programs.
For more information about our Employment First efforts, contact our Employment Options Division by calling (740) 592-3416.